I Am Sr. Jane W Kairu from Gatundu. I am the third born in a family of six children, four boys and two girls. My parents are strong Christians and we have been brought up in a Christian family. When I was young I had the desire to become a sister, but I cannot understand how the idea came to me because in my place there were no sisters. The desire continued and became strong when I went to secondary school. I used to be a strong member of the young Christian student and we used to receive booklets from different congregations inviting us for seminars. I used to communicate with different sisters from different congregations and I even visited some but unfortunately I felt that’s not where my heart was called to join.
One day one of my friends came with some booklets from Daughters of the Sacred Heart and shared with us how she attended a seminar which was very good. I felt my heart burning from within and I asked her the address. I wrote a letter which was answered immediately. From then on we started to communicate and they invited me for a seminar which I attended after form four. I was very impressed by their warm welcome, their commitment to work and in giving us classes. Deep within my heart I felt that’s the place I wish to join. When I went home after seminar I shared with my parents who had no objection, but some of my relatives were not for it especially my aunt. She used to discourage me telling me how sisters suffer and are mistreated but deep within my heart I had made a decision which nobody could remove from there. My focus was to become a sister nothing else.
The sisters invited me for come and see programme and after that I joined the aspirancy. Life in formation was very challenging because we met with people from different tribes, cultures backgrounds and even personalities were very different. There were conflicts, misunderstanding but I had to adjust to my new home. Sometimes I could wonder whether I will ever become a sister. To my disappointment one of my friend whom we had joined with from my place left. I was very discouraged and I felt as if my journey had come to an end. All in all I had to cope with the situation.
We were introduced to community life, apostolic life and prayer life. Each and every day I used to pray that one day I may achieve my goal of serving God as a religious sister. All through I felt the companionship of Jesus despite the joys and struggles of life.
On 22nd June 2002 was my happiest day as I went before the Lord to profess my religious commitment. It was a great joy for me and for my family.
All through my religious life I feel that community living has shaped my life, I have learnt to risk in life; accept different views, attitudes and ideas of others. Living with people from different places, ages, characters, likes and dislikes has shaped me to be the person I am today. I have also learnt and understood the unity in diversity in religious life.
Prayer life has been my strong hold, my source of strength and consolation. Learning to listen to Jesus, teaching me to follow him with undivided heart and always desiring to do his will. Each day I strive to deepen my relationship with Jesus for I have realized that
it’s in him are the reasons for my religious existence. I want to continue growing in this intimacy and I know that prayer is one of the best means to deepen it.
I have been exposed to different apostolate especially pastoral work which I have been trained for. I did my perpetual vows on 6th June 2009. It was my greatest joy and a big challenge to live my consecration to the end. Following the examples of our Mother Mary and our Mother Foundress it’s my dairy prayer that each an every day I may say “YES” to the lord.