- 19th November was a red letter day for all the DSH Family in Africa Region to mark the occasion of seven first profession and four final profession. The DSH family along with their beloved parents, relatives and friends gathered around the Eucharistic table to cheer our young and enthusiastic sisters who after praying, discerning for the past few years came forward to offer themselves to God in a more radical way by professing their religious commitment in the Church through the DSH way of life.
To grace this occasion Sr Pauline our Superior General all the way from Malta came to be present for this special day of our dear sisters and encouraged them to live radically the Gospel of love and compassion with whom they are sent to serve in their ministries
The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rt. Rev. Antony Mutheria, Bishop of the diocese of Kitui and also many priests and religious doubled our joy.
As we extend our heartfelt prayers and sincere congratulations to our dear sisters Ester, Jenifer, Naomy, Ann, Dolyne, Mary and Penninah who chose to make the joy of prayer as one of the great pillars of their religious life by keeping Christ as the center of their lives through their first profession..
We join with grateful hearts to thank God for the precious gifts of Srs. Emma, Jane, Mary and Vianney who offered themselves entirely to God through their final commitment to God in the footsteps of Maria Teresa Nuzzo in the same words “GOD ALONE IS ENOUGH”.