The daughters of the Sacred Heart delegation of India held its fourth conference at Hyderabad from 27.12.16 to 30.12.16. About 20 sisters from all the communities participated. The theme of the conference was “style of Religions life and formation in accordance with the present scenario.”
Sr.Marinna, the provincial superior led the conference. The first day was observed as a recollection day for which a holy spirit father had preached on the topic. In the evening, Sr.Marina read her opening speech and declare the conference open. As the sisters were already divided into groups, with few explanations and enlightenments, the groups had dispersed for group work.
The reporting of the group discussions was done regularly. There was lot of co-operation and co-ordination. On the whole, the contribution interest to develop the delegation was very much vivid in the sisters. The topics for the discussions were:I. Vocation Promotion
II. Vows, Prayer life. Spirituality and Charism.
III. Flames of love mission and apostolate
IV. Community life
V. Administration and Finance.
St. Augustine: “You made my heart for you and it will never find repose until it rest in you.”
Underlying such holistic understanding of experience, St. Francis de sales reveals his firm belief in the basic goodness of human person. Therefore even in sin and estrangement from God, one will experience the basic drive of human person to find union and fulfillment in God. Answering this basic drive 6 “Come and See” candidates started their Aspirancy,10 Aspirants started their Postulancy and 7 Postulants started their 1 st year Novitiate after a guided retreat by their mistresses and a resource person.
The aim of the formation is to guide a person to develop his potential to the full and enable her to accept and live the call she has received. In each of the stages, formation will have to be gradual,complete and open. The specific aim of the stages of initial formation is to provide formees who show signs of being called to our congregation,an opportunity to study their call and our congregation, with a view to arriving at a genuinely free and responsible decision. To bring about a holistic growth in all stages of formation the formees are taught Faith Formation(catechism, prayers of the church, Scripture), Religious Formation (life of Mother Foundress, charism, spirituality of D.S.H.)
Intellectual Formation, Personal Formation, Sex Education and Eco Spirituality. To strengthen their physical health and the power of concentration they are taught yoga and manual work.
I end with words of Mother Foundress “The Spouses of Jesus should resemble Him in His sufferings so that they will participate in His happiness forever in Paradise.” We congratulate all our formees and encourage and wish them Holy Perseverence with these words “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” Christiand Larson